About Me

I enjoy writing code and wanted to become a doctor or a pharmacist during my childhood to help people. That’s why I decided to do software development in healthcare. I’m currently employed as a Software Engineer at BIONEXT SA, where I’m in charge of BiovizJS, a 3D molecular visualization Web application. My work includes developing the application, finding new ideas to improve users experience and train partners to embbed it into their website.

In my spare time I enjoy producing music, marathon viewing (thank you Netflix !) and hiking. I made a solo hike trip in 2014 during 5 days to traverse the whole of an alpine massif called La Lauzière.

Reason why I enjoy hiking

When I’m at home, I usually like to create new music tracks. It allows me to develop my creativity and also improve my signal processing knowledge acquired during my engineering school. Indeed, synthesizer programming is a nice crossover between programmation and physics. Do not hesitate to check my Soundcloud !

Don't fear the buttons !
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